
Educational Guide

Post-screening discussion questions, group and partner activities, and additional information on the film for use in classrooms, libraries, community groups, and advocacy organizations.

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Medical Students for Choice Addendum

A special section of the After Tiller Educational Guide designed particularly for medical students.

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State by State Addenda

Single-page summaries for all fifty US states covering state laws and government leaders’ positions pertaining to reproductive healthcare. Current as of 2013.

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Press Kit

Director’s statement, subject biographies, an interview with the filmmakers, and more details on the making of the film.

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Film Stills

Downloadable high-resolution images from the film and director portraits. All film stills courtesy of Yes and No Productions. Director portraits by Josh Luxenberg.

DrRobinson-72Dr-Sella-ColorDrCarhartDrHernDr-Hern-listening-to-patientDr-Robinson-listening-to-patientMartha-Lana--1 Martha-Lana--2